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  • Writer's pictureTanya Lipinski

Shaving Essentials

Happy Tuesday everyone!

Let's talk real talk regarding razors - me personally it is a true time-consuming task to have the 'shave everything' shower. The body scrub....the shaving cream....the painful razor bumps and ingrown hairs! Isn't as glamourous and soothing shave as advertised! I have tried a variety of razors, from electric (Phillips bikini trimmer - CON did not get close enough shave, very drying to skin), refillable razor heads, name brand, high -end (billie, flamingo - CON very pricey, still need shave creams, drying), and basic BICS (CON- many razor bumps, razor cuts, drying, only good for one use). I am happy to share that I have found all in one, shave everything razors!! The winner is.......................................................................

This razor is not only the closest, but smoothest shave I have ever had! The lather bar smells great, is super hydrating and it keeps my leg, pit and bikini hairs in check for at least a few days before my next shave. And a bonus its cute! Comes in three pastel colors, pink, green and purple. All you need is water, as the razor head and shea soap do the rest of the work. Gives a great lather and shave all in one-step! Bonus they are such a great price point! Only $12.97 that includes 1 handle and 2 refills! AMAZING! In my personal opinion, it is a better deal to buy a second color for the same price, compared to just the refill pack for $13.97...

The only razor I will continue to go back to every time! Available on my amazon, linked in title. Enjoy Ladies!

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